Help With Fundraising

It is essential to the continued operation of the Center that diverse community funding sources are developed and maintained.  One of the CAC fundraising activities is the annual golf tournament.  To find out how you can help the Center raise much-needed funds, please call (918) 283-2800.

Donate Items

The Center needs day-to-day supplies.

  • Snacks and drinks for the children
  • Toilet paper and paper towels
  • Office supplies: paper, manila folders, staples…
  • Cleaning supplies: vacuum bags, toilet bowls cleaner, trash bags, hand soap…
  • Medical supplies: paper gowns, exam table paper…

Let Us Present to Your Group

You can help raise awareness of the Center and our cause by inviting a member of our staff to speak to your employees or congregation.  To arrange a presentation, please call 283-2800.


The William W. Barnes Children’s Advocacy Center relies upon our volunteers.  Without them, the Center could not provide all the services that child victims and their families need.  For information about how you can help children in need, please call (918) 283-2800.

How We Are Funded

The Center receives the greater part of its support from state grants, specifically, The Victims of Crime Act and The Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Account (CAMA).  CAMA is a fund which is distributed to child advocacy centers across the state as well as multi-disciplinary teams.

The Center became a member of the United Way in 2003 and participates in the organization’s annual fundraising activities.

The remainder of our funding is obtained from private sources, mainly foundation grants and private donations.  Many individuals choose to contribute in the form of in-kind donations, including insurance plans, stuffed animals, and children’s snacks.  We would like to thank all who have helped the Center continue to serve the children of our community.